My unwashed thoughts. Straight from the soul. Not nessasarily based on reality.

Who am I?
When I found myself,
I did not know if I liked the person I had become,
Digging deep into the bile of my life,
Finding in the end,
At the core,
Nothing to love,
Nothing to respect,
The man who started me on this path is dead,
The man who kept me on this path,
Who told me everything would be ok,
Who said that it was impossible to hate the person I really am,
Who held my soul in the palm of his hands,
Is full of crap!
It all comes to nothing,
Enlightenment equals pain,
I am tired of suffering,
Tired of feeling,
Tired of trying, I see nothing but suffering around me,
I feel all this pain,
And want it to go away.

About me

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