My unwashed thoughts. Straight from the soul. Not nessasarily based on reality.

Your soul is like an egg shell,

it holds your existence together,
your consciousness, your unconscious mind, your body, your entire being, Has my soul been cracked? was there fingers running through my yolk and whites, separating my body from my mind? Has there been such damage as to never be able to put

humpty dumpty
back together again?
Is the pain I suffer from,
the conditions I have actually just the pain from the separation of my mind from my body, the separated egg never can revert back to the whole,
the perfect nature of the egg in its shell,
one being,
one entity,
Over the years, with help, I have gathered the scattered egg whites together,
formed them into a coherent mass,
constructed a souffle that,
when poked or prodded collapses into a heap.
I keep it inflated by this trick or that.
The yolk, once broken tends to fall apart,
never really being able to hold its form, I
patch it,
prod it,
but it will never be whole again.
This separation of yolk/whites, body/mind is a permanent thing,
the shell/soul once cracked is hard to heal.
Can faith repair it?
Did God let it be cracked open?
As they say, "You have to crack some eggs to make an omelet."
What is the omelet I am making?
for what grand reason was my shell cracked open?

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