My unwashed thoughts. Straight from the soul. Not nessasarily based on reality.

I sit here in the early morning calm, fearfull of today. What obstacles to joy will be thrown at me? What miseries will be inflicted on my friends? SOme joy will come my way,In a little flower or a bird call or a meeting with a person who shares a little of themselves with me. Its foggy and damp outside, second day like this. Not as bad as Kentucky and Alabama and Oklahoma city. I pray for these people constantly, what misery to have your world turned upside down like that.

Its damp and chilly today, Miserable weather, miserable body, the world kinda is in sync right now.

No one seems to be that interested in my web log.
I have to figure out whether or not to be bothered about that fact .
I wish the people in my life cared enough to read it, but I know that the reality of the situation is; They have their own private hells that they live in. Who wants to come visit mine?
This blog was created for me to vent and express my feelings so really it does not matter whether or not they see it.

I am feeling better these last couple of days. So why is it the urge to smoke is even greater? You would think that after a year of not smoking I would only have the urge to smoke when in pain or feeling low. Right? Oh well, I will not smoke today.

Its funny but 'feeling good' has taken on a whole new meaning. 'Feeling good' means my Joints are stiff and achy and my muscles feel as if they have lead pumped into them. This is feeling good.

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