My unwashed thoughts. Straight from the soul. Not nessasarily based on reality.

Yahoo! News - Tech Tuesday
I want to go wireles but I have no idea where to start.
I have the money now but cannot pick up the phone to Dell to order my new laptop.
Why do I hesitate?
Am I overwhelmed?
Having second thoughts?
I am stuck.

From the garden

Out from my thorny den I rise,
To see the Garden still asleep,
No birds are humming,
No bees yet buzz,
The swing hangs still upon the branches,
Like the dew drops that hang from each blade of grass.

The quiet softness of the predawn air,
Surrounds me like my Mothers hugs,
Oh how I wish for this to last!
This perfect time and place!
Safety, warmth and love,
Stops time, if only for a moment.

Too soon forgotten,
Too soon replaced by pain. - A world of information on pain.
I sthe pain back, the virus?
Is it me overdoing it?
Am I bringing the virus back?
Am I an asshole?
Dont answer that last one.
I feel it creeping up on me like a silient Ninja warrior.
I have a large set of tools to fight it now,
So why am I so scared of its return?
Do I feel deep down that I deserve it?
Bad questions lead to bad answers.

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