My unwashed thoughts. Straight from the soul. Not nessasarily based on reality.

A nice day today!
First in what seems like forever.
Found my spirits lifting as well.
My virus seems to be asleep- Shhhhhh.
The fast that I did even tough it was only five days seems to have worked incredibly well.
-Fingers crossed!-

Won big in poker last night.
Just started playing with a group of 4 couples.
Takes me a little time to figure them out.
This was the second time playing with them.
It will only get better.

My neighbor mows his 8 X 10 lawn 4 times a week!
does it really grow that fast?
Does he have a life?
Why does he mow the lawn at noon in his pajama's?

Just made the twins pancakes.
Trying to get htem dressed for school is a complete hassle!
I'm glad I am only here on Mondays!
Usually I am on the road early so that I can be home for them in the afternoon.

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