My unwashed thoughts. Straight from the soul. Not nessasarily based on reality.

it can work!

Coming off my fast today.
Starting out with a little porridge and will have some rice and tofu later.
I feel a little light headed today and drained.
But I also have no joint pain or muscle pain!
As much as I love eating I am very into this fasting thing.
The last fast stopped the virus for a month and a half I hope this time it lasts longer.

Woke up hungry!
Ate my little bit of spinach and had a cup of chamomille tea, did I spell that right?
Its going to be a long day today.
Gotta remember to drink alot of water.

OK- so really, I'm going to fast!
Here it is:
The night before: A light meal of rice (simple carbohydrate)
Tempeh or Tofu (simple protein)

Two days of: Leafy green vegatables
Vegatable juice cut in half with water (just a little)

Breaking the fast: Lightly with porridge

Along with this fast I will be taking chinese herbs prescribed from my TCM Dr.
I can also have some light teas (white or chamomille)

If this works well I will probably do a version of this fast once a month to keep the virus under control.

I am starting to see the posibility of being pain free,
I am beginning to see the sun come up over the horizon,
Maybe my long dark night is almost over,
But I have been wrong before.

Changed plans for the fast.
Now its going to start on Wednesday,
It will be a gradual fast,
Leafy green vegetables then broth then water then back up to broth, green vegatables then rice.
As a supplament I will be taking chinese herbs prescribed by my TCM Dr.

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