My unwashed thoughts. Straight from the soul. Not nessasarily based on reality.

My mind seems to be working in visuals
Therefore.....all the pics posted on -My daily pics- page
Words, which usually floww easily are stuck and must be forced.
This too shall pass.......I hope?!

I am constricting in on myself,
Joints seem to be working in a smaller space,
Muscles are tight and compact..........
The shaking is the worst,
hard to type,
hard to eat...............
One day.......


Had a great 4th of July weekend and then.........
Stomach virus!
Two days of Throwing up and Diarhea.
The stomach virus woke up my CMV!
Total muscle pain and joint pain.
I am miserable
Can barely move.
First time in days I have been able to sit up long enough to log-on.
car broke down and is in the shop so I have to drive Bonnies car which is a stick!
My muscles will love this!
Gotta work though, the kids need to eat!
More later..........

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ATOM 0.3