My unwashed thoughts. Straight from the soul. Not nessasarily based on reality.

LIfe going well right now,
But I keep looking over my shoulder,
Turning around fast to see if I can catch whatever evil is after me.
This sounds a little paranoid, Right?
Its just that so much has happened to me that I am not comfortable when all is well.
It does not stop me from moving foward or being optomistic,
But sometimes while I am running while looking back I trip!

Why do I do these things to myself?
I am obviously going to miss my first appointment at 5:30
Maybe I am going to miss my six o'clock one as well.

4:30 and the car won't start!
Waiting on AAA to come and jump start it.
I have a 5:30 appointment in livingston.
Oh well, what are you going to do?

Made it through the week! Finaly, business is back up again! And my virus is under control.
What have I got left to fight?
I have to fight being too tired to think.
Working from 4-5 in the morning to 8-9 at night.
I have to find a balance.
Maybe I work so hard because I am afraid that it won't last?
The virus may come back or the economy will crash again.
Well, I will let it go this Sunday and monday (my weekend)
going to take it easy
No worries
No cares
I hope

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